Friday 13 January 2012

Tending your Garden...

Very often when I am doing some work in the garden, I think about life, and how you can draw so many similarities between tending a garden and tending your family and spirituality.

We've been tending a very small vegetable patch, which started very much experimentally, for the past year or so. So far, we haven't really had any vegetable produce, but it's a work in progress!

This is just a picture of one of our garden offerings...
That's a potato believe it or not... the smallest potato I've ever seen, but none the less, a potato!
God is truly amazing... We never planted any potato's, but there we had a plant growing and this little one was part of it! I'm excited about our little garden!

Often when I am doing something as mundane as pulling out weeds or watering the garden, I think about spiritual things. While weeding I often consider how we need to tackle our deep-routed sin, pulling it out by the root and not just dealing with the surface presence of it.

The only real way to tackle sin, is by staying close to the Lord, by feeding on the Word and by communicating your heart to Him in prayer.

I'm about to take on a morning challenge for the next 3 months... 2000 women from 40 different countries are  going to be maximising their mornings by waking early to spend time with the Lord in bible time and prayer... I'm looking forward to taking part as I long to spend time with the Lord before any distractions happen and this would be perfect

I know that registration for the current challenge has closed, but be sure to check out for any future challenges taking place:

Lord bless!

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